Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Band Interview!! :)

When and how did the band form?
We Officially formed in Feb of 2011, Elliot(Guitar) and Lucas(Bass) played together in a previous band for sometime but wanted something more pop punky and set off on creating the band they always wanted to be in, Elliot knew John(Drums) from a while back due to their Mums being friends, they started to begin playing together but were still in need of a Singer and another Guitarist. Dan(Vocals) and Jimmy(Guitar/Vocals) had been friends a while and wanted to do something together as they had always been in different acts and decided to start something. Dan had posted a Gumtree add advertising that he was a vocalist looking to form a band, Elliot contacted Dan and when discovered they needed another guitarist aswell Jimmy fit the bill perfectly.

Who are your main influences? And who would you compare yourselves to?
We have alot of influences but the ones that seem to be prominent in the music we seem to be producing is bands such as, A Day To Remember, Four Year Strong, You Me At Six, All Time Low, Blink 182, New Found Glory, Taking Back Sunday and Brand New.
Id compare us to You Me At Six, Taking Back Sunday, A Day to remember sort of cross over.

If you had to describe the band in three imaginative words, what would they be?
Ehralling, Determined, Gratifying 

Who do you consider to be your main target audience? I.e. who is your music aimed at?
The main target audience for any band of our genre is the Teenagers. Teenagers are so impressionable and enthusiastic about music at that age and its always good to be a somewhat good influence. But we're not strictly targeting at teenagers as we have alot of fans in there 20s and even higher, its nice to appeal to a broad audience.       

What inspires you when you are writing the music and lyrics?
I mean theres seems to be alot of movie like references in our song titles, I guess i'm inspired by film, tv, life experiences friendships love life ect

Is there a theme/something in particular that you tend to write about? If so what? (e.g. love, fate, hardship)
If there’s a theme its real life situations that I have been through.

Are there any music videos that you wish had been to one of your songs? Why?
Theres a few. The video to always by blink 182 is fantastic. I love the way its shot with the split screen and stuff its brilliant, another is Boxcar Racers video for "There Is". I love them playing outside in the rain and the darkness in the video is awesome, and then theres New found Glorys video for My friends Over you,I just love the comedy in the video combined with the live performance with loads of people, great fun video.

What are the lyrics for ‘Against the Ropes’ referencing?
Against the Ropes is a song about not letting people get you down. The lyrics really ring true because i'm the sort of person that doesn't let anyone put me down and say you can't do something. You shouldn't give up on anything no one should ever let their dreams fade away.

Which out of these styles of filming do you think would suit ‘Against the Ropes’;
Performance based, (e.g. A Day to Remember All I want)
  • Concept based (e.g. young guns stitches -although it has parts which are performance based),
  • Narrative (i.e. a story e.g. you me at six rescue me)
  • Or a mixture of 2 or all 3.
I think a mixture of performance based and a narrative would work nicely

If ‘Against the Ropes’ already had a music video to it, what kind of basic visuals would you expect? (e.g. people running away from something, a crowd singing along, lots of colour, black and white, a giant door, 2 people running off into the sunset etc.)
umm  I'm a big fan of good colour usage in videos.I think the All I Want video is great, a crowd singing could be cool.One idea that could work for part of the narrative is the people playing the parts maybe cutting to them singing the lyrics and stuff along.

Is there a particular way that you want the band to be portrayed as?
We don't wanna come across all over the top i.e MCR, 30 Seconds To Mars etc, we would like to be portrayed how bands like Four Year Strong, Taking Back Sunday and A Day to Remember come across in there videos if that makes sense?

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